Jerry Sanders

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“At the Chamber, we love to see businesses that are excited about being a vital part of San Diego and commit to growing and strengthening our communities for the long haul, and that’s exactly what Longfellow is doing,” said Jerry Sanders, Former San Diego Mayor and CEO of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce. “With the development of these state-of-the-art life science research centers, we are continuing to develop the 21st century infrastructure our economy demands and ensuring that San Diego continues to be a leader in life science and biotech innovation.”

About the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce
The San Diego Regional Chamber is the hub for connections and collaboration among the regional business community and uses that clout to advocate for public policies and candidates that support economic growth and the creation of jobs for all businesses. As the largest local Chamber on the West Coast, representing more than 2,000 businesses and an estimated 300,000 jobs, the San Diego Regional Chamber is working to make the San Diego region the best place to live and work. For more information, please visit

Jerry Sanders CEO – San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce